Joe Knows It

Officials are worried the Tennessee Grid is about to Fail as Bank of America warns of MAJOR Grid instabilities

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is urging ten million customers to cut down on power usage on Wednesday morning due to anticipated record heating demand during a cold spell.

As demand surges this morning and heating requirements are expected to soar throughout TVA's region, power supplies are under strain. Customers have been requested to reduce power consumption between 0600 and 1000 local time.

"Our power system remains stable with our generating plants operating as planned," TVA CEO and President Jeff Lyash said in a video on Tuesday.

Lyash continued: "However, we do anticipate the highest peak demand for electricity in TVA history early Wednesday morning."

TVA manages the most extensive public power grid, providing electricity to Tennessee, northern Alabama, northeastern Mississippi, and southwestern Kentucky. Additionally, it serves parts of northern Georgia, western North Carolina, and southwestern Virginia.

"The temperatures will be what are driving the usage numbers on Wednesday morning, and so that's where that's where we can use some help from the public," TVA Spokesperson Scott Brooks said.

As of late Tuesday, more than 220 million Americans are under "some kind of winter alert," The Weather Channel reported.

In addition to TVA, Texas' power grid (ERCOT) faced challenges this week but managed to avoid a collapse. Nevertheless, a recent Bank of America report highlights emerging grid instabilities, stating, "Over the next five years, we can expect brownouts in major US cities; that's the scale of the unfolding situation."

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