Joe Knows It

Chinese lab crafts mutant COVID-19 strain with 100% kill rate in ‘humanized’ mice: ‘Surprisingly’ quick horrible death

In a study reminiscent of Wuhan, scientists in China have engineered a a new COVID-19 strain that's 100% deadly for "humanized" mice.

The dangerous virus, called GX_P2V, attacked the brains of mice that have been genetically engineered to be similar to humans, as shown in a study shared last week from Beijing.

The lethal virus is a mutated form of GX/2017, a relative of the coronavirus that was supposedly identified in Malaysian pangolins in 2017—three years prior to the pandemic. Pangolins, also known as scaly anteaters, are mammals located in warm regions around the world.

All the mice exposed to the virus perished in only eight days, a death rate that researchers found "surprisingly" swift. GX_P2V got into the lungs, bones, eyes, windpipes, and brains of the mice that died. The damage to their brains was really bad and led to the animals dying. Before the mice died, they lost weight fast, hunched over, and moved really slowly.

What's really strange is that their eyes turned completely white the day before they passed away.

BRB, building my bunker!

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